Winter can be a hard time for mums and anyone who stays home with the kids during the week. Pre kids we used to snuggle up under a blanket and watch movies all day, but not any more. While that is a nice thing to do with the kids on the weekends, it also doesn't get the energy out of them, it doesn't use their minds and it doesn't get things done around the house. So here are a few of the activities we like to do when we are stuck inside.
1. Dishes. children as little as 18 months like to play in the sink with warm water and bubbles, "washing" cups and getting wet. It gives you a chance to tidy up the kitchen while supervising your little one and bonus is your floors get washed in the process.
2. DIY bath/shower paint. This is a favourite for our children.
Get some Flour/cornflour, water and food colouring.
Mix it up and put into containers. Put the kids in the bath and let them make a mess. Practice colours, letters and numbers and get toys involved. Best part is it washes right off and once they are done getting messy, rinse them off, fill up the bath with water & bubbles and thats bath time done!
3. Craft. We highly recommend having a craft/learning tub, or cupboard. If you are a stay at home mum, this is really essential in winter. I have always picked up craft bargains when out shopping for a couple of dollars and I pull them out on rainy days. The kids think they are so lucky and it is fun. You don't need to go out and spend heaps, just start collecting each time you go out and soon it will be over flowing. We also collect recyclables and put them away like toilet rolls, boxes and egg cartons (I keep these in our garage), these are great for a craft session.
4. Gumboots, Rain coats & Umbrellas. Just because its wet and cold outside, doesn't mean you can't have some fun with it. There is nothing better than jumping in puddles. Get out there! and the fresh air will be good for you as well as them.
5. Toys. Obvious I know! but here is what I mean, rotate toys. put some away and keep them in rotation. For example we have containers with trains, blocks, puzzles, cars ect and they have their everyday toys in the toy box. I pull a container down one at a time and they act like they have new toys each time. Organising their toys can really make it a lot more fun for everyone, helps with the mess too!
So there they are, during winter we just try to keep their minds busy, it makes everyone happier and you don't get mum guilt for being inside for days when you are keeping them busy. Have fun.